Friday, June 16, 2006

Update: Wow... Things are moving...

Yay :D StoreModule and StoreMessage are coded which allows me to send a message to another module. You can get the new source code from here: So what's left for the object storage to be usable? 1. StoreMethod - To allow methods to be attached to objects and send messages to them 2. This was talking about Kernel->Module communication, we still have the module to kernel communcation which will be done over PalmOS system chunks. 3. The wrappers - These wrappers deal with sending and recieving the parameters so you dont have to think about them so when you call StoreObjectNew, it sends parameters to the kernel and receives the object handle. Once these are finished, I can work on the UI Module. I will also publish documentation on using the object storage kernel. Note that the kernel does not include multi-threading or multi-tasking since you all want this version quicker, I am making the object storage single tasking. I know this project is taking forever and I want to reward you all for you sticking with me with at least something. The UI will be like I always wanted it to be which is dynamic. What does this mean? This means that I can have a button which is derived from a button class and I can either create a custom button or extend the button class. I can send a 'Draw' method to all windows and controls and each window/control will handle the draw command depending on its type. This takes away alot of the complexity. So you can say... all this way just for that? Its not like that... This is only using a bit of the ability that the object storage gives me.

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