Monday, June 06, 2005

Update - The memory component design is ready to be coded

So, I have finished designing the memory component, so I plan to code it in the next few days. Its faster, simpler and much much smaller overhead per allocation - 12 bytes! Why does it make a difference? Useless on a few allocations but when an average system will have no less than a few thousand allocations, those little overheads can make a difference. Just to give you an idea of the optimization I made in the design: it was around 80 bytes overhead before hand. But optimization was not the reason the memory component was re-coded but rather to make it more easier managed and easier to align allocations. Once I finish coding it, I will post an editorial on how it works which is quite simple but cool. But as usual, there might be something I missed, so I might have to get back to the drawing board. Wish me luck!

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